Meet vxOTT Gateway
vxOTT Gateway offers a packager, scrambler and broadcast origin capability within a compact and highly efficient technology. When it comes to architecture, vxOTT Gateway is based on microservices and is fully hardware-agnostic.
The software enables the creation of scalable, secure Live and VOD streams. It is tailored to be integrated with industry-standardized DRM systems. Setting up hundreds of live channels for OTT distribution has never been so simple and seamless, ensuring high data compression efficiency. The VOD system can be easily integrated with external systems, providing various options customized to your needs.
The architecture is based on microservices and is fully hardware-agnostic.
Multi-DRM support. Easy to integrate with any DRM.
High density packaging on 2-RU server.
More than 300 live channels from one server
Storage optimization with one fMP4 container — stored and served in the format requested by CDN on demand.
UI build-in Player - play a stream via DASH and HLS protocol.
Mixed codecs single manifest support.
Multiple redundancy models support.
Watch Folder over FTP protocol
Multi-protocol support
DRM Support: FairPlay, Widevine and Playready
Multi-DRM encryption
Fully integrated with vxDRM Gateway
Integrated with Conax DRM and MDRM
Key Rotation
Individual Key per component
Multi-codec single manifest
Multi-audio support for HLS and DASH
Thumbnail Generation
Pull or Push publishing method
With external systems metadata handling
The main view that allows you to check the statuses of Live and VOD channels and ensures that the channels are operating properly. You can then edit them and have the ability to add new channels in seconds.
Configure your Live and VOD channels in simple steps. Establish the output name and basic parameters. The challenging part of the configuration is done by a predefined setting, although you still have the capability of modification in case you need it.
When saved, vxOTT Gateway informs you about the status of your configuration — approved and done correctly or whether additional information is required.
Fully and seamlessly integrated with vxApps
So why not contact us so that we can show you what vxApps can do for your business.